Explanation of the provisions of the Government Tenders and Procurement System and its executive regulations

The government procurement and competition system in the Kingdom is of great strategic importance in enhancing economic efficiency and achieving the best value for money through fair competition between suppliers and contributing to reducing the costs of government procurement, rationalizing …
The government procurement and competition system in the Kingdom is of great strategic importance in enhancing economic efficiency and achieving the best value for money through fair competition between suppliers and contributing to reducing the costs of government procurement, rationalizing government spending, developing the private sector and local content. The system also provides opportunities for local companies to participate in government procurement and encourages the development of the competitive capabilities of local suppliers through rehabilitation and development programs and achieving sustainable economic development.
The system enhances the contribution of government procurement in supporting local manufacturing and innovation, promoting comprehensive economic development and achieving the strategic goals of the state. It also plays a role in enhancing transparency and accountability, establishing effective oversight mechanisms to reduce corruption and ensure the proper use of public funds, supporting digital transformation and innovation, and benefiting from modern technologies in managing procurement operations.
The course aims to:
-Provide trainees with the theoretical knowledge and practical applications necessary to understand the provisions and rules of the government procurement and competition system and its executive regulations.
-Developing trainees’ skills in the field of strategic planning for procurement, familiarity with government procurement methods, how to prepare tender documents, setting a methodology for standards and weights, opening and evaluating bids and award rules, provisions for financial guarantees and submitting them, withdrawing work, canceling the competition and additional work, dividing the competition, subcontracting and managing government procurement committees in an effective manner.
-Enabling trainees to become familiar with how to deal with the requirements of the Efficiency Authority for —Spending and Government Projects, the Local Content and Government Procurement Authority, the Ministry of -Finance and regulatory authorities.
Developing trainees’ capabilities in knowing the skill of governance of government business and procurement, the role of administrative units within the government entity and defining roles and responsibilities.
Familiarity with the committees specialized in resolving disputes related to government competitions and procurement

حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في قانون حوكمة الشركات من كلية القانون في جامعة وستمنستر لندن في المملكة المتحدة البريطانية، عضو فريق تطوير نظام المنافسات والمشتريات الحكومية سابقا بوزارة المالية، مستشار قانوني سابق بوزارة المالية، عضو جائزة المحتوى المحلي في مسار الجهات الحكومية. متخصص في تقديم الدورات التدريبية في مجال العقود الإدارية والمنافسات والمشتريات الحكومية والمحتوى المحلي وفي مجال حوكمة الشركات وعمليات غسل الأموال، وفي حوكمة السياسات والإجراءات ذات العلاقة بإدارة البيانات الشخصية والوطنية، ومتخصص في مجال GRC متخصص في إعداد وكتابة اللوائح المالية ولوائح المشتريات وإعداد دليل السياسات والإجراءات الداخلية
PhD degree in Corporate Governance Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Westminster, London, in the United Kingdom. Been a former member of the Government Competition and Procurement System Development Team at the Ministry of Finance, a former legal advisor at the Ministry of Finance, and a member of the Local Content Award in the Government Agencies Track. Expert in providing training courses in the field of Administrative Contracts, Competitions, Government Procurement, Local Content, in the field of Corporate Governance and Money Laundering Operations, and in the Governance of Policies and Procedures related to the management of personal and national data.
Specializes in the field of GRC, specializing in preparing and writing Financial and Procurement Regulations and Preparing The Internal Policies and Procedures Manual.