This course helps establish a methodology that enables those working and interested in governance, risk and compliance to obtain the correct methods and basic techniques to build an integrated model for governance, risk management and compliance, which gives the organization …
This course helps establish a methodology that enables those working and interested in governance, risk and compliance to obtain the correct methods and basic techniques to build an integrated model for governance, risk management and compliance, which gives the organization high flexibility in setting goals, establishing the necessary procedures and controls for governance and addressing risks and non-compliance.
The course aims to:
This course helps establish a methodology that enables those working and interested in governance, risk and compliance
to obtain the correct methods and basic techniques to build an integrated model for governance, risk management and compliance
which gives the organization high flexibility in setting goals, establishing the necessary procedures and controls for governance and addressing risks and non-compliance.

بكالوريوسإدارة واقتصاد - العلوم الإدارية من جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز مستشار مراجعة داخلية , ومستشار حوكمة بخبرة مهنية في القطاع العام و مدرب معتمد في المراجعة الداخلية والحوكمة
والمخاطر والالتزام حاصل على عدد كبير من البرامج والدوراتالتدريبية في مجالاتالمراجعة الداخلية و الحوكمة
والمخاطر والالتزام