Project Risk Management PMI-RMP

The Risk Management Certification is one of the most sought-after certifications in risk management as it qualifies individuals to be able to identify potential risks early, thus saving costs and reducing surprises and financial losses. This certification guides you on …
The Risk Management Certification is one of the most sought-after certifications in risk management as it qualifies individuals to be able to identify potential risks early, thus saving costs and reducing surprises and financial losses. This certification guides you on how to enhance the success of the project ratio through effective cooperation and communication with the work team that enhances the efficiency of the project, program or portfolio.
The course aims to:
- Understand the basics of risk management Through this course, you will learn the basic concepts, practices and principles of risk management, in addition to acquiring the knowledge required to apply risk management tools and techniques, according to the latest update from the Project Management Institute (Standard for Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs and Projects April 2022) and July 2024
- Professional Application of Risk Management You will understand how to identify potential risks and apply the tools and techniques necessary to carry out this process, in addition to how to reduce the effects of risks by developing a strategic plan to respond to risks, as well as knowing how to integrate risk management practices into the various stages of the project.
- Improving Risk Management Skills This course highlights enhancing skills related to risk management, guiding you on how to make informed decisions and conduct data analysis, thus improving your decision-making and data analysis skills, and you will also learn how to hone your communication and collaboration skills with your team and stakeholders.
Preparing for the PMI-RMP Certification Exam Through the preparatory course, you will be able to prepare well to pass the PMI-RMP Certification Exam with confidence and gain international recognition.

مستشار تطوير الاعمال ومحاضر ومدرب معتمد من المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقنى والمهنى حاصل على العديد من الاعتمادات الدولية كمحاضر ومستشار بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية وكندا وسويسرا وبريطانيا
حاصل على الشهادة المهنية الاحترافية فى التعليم والتدريب الالكترونى- المستوى المتقدم OTT.
خبرات مهنية اكثر من 12 عام فى التعليم والتدريب والاستشارات
يجمع بين الدكتوارة البحثية Ph.D. والدكتوارة المهنية DBA وبين الماجستير الاكاديمي MSc والماجستير المهنى
خبرات مهنية كبيرة فى مجال ادارة المشروعات وتحليل الأعمال والمخاطر وادارة وتشغيل مكاتب المحافظ والبرامج والمشاريع
. خبير فى اعداد وتطوير الاستراتيجيات ورسم واعداد الخطط القابلة للتنفيذ والتطبيق ساهمت فى تحقيق نجاحات كبيرة جدا للعديد من الشركات والمشاريع
تقديم برامج تدريبية للعديد من القطاعات الحكومية والخاصة