This course aims to raise the level of knowledge of trainees and develop their scientific and practical skills in the field of securing government agencies’ business and purchases and concluding and managing government contracts efficiently and effectively. The program also …
This course aims to raise the level of knowledge of trainees and develop their scientific and practical skills in the field of securing government agencies’ business and purchases and concluding and managing government contracts efficiently and effectively. The program also aims to assist workers in the field of purchasing, tenders and contracts management, managing financial guarantees and managing government contracts in a sound and effective manner.
General Objective:
This program aims to raise the level of knowledge of trainees and develop their scientific and practical skills in the field of securing government agencies’ business and purchases and concluding and managing government contracts efficiently and effectively. The program also aims to assist workers in the field of purchasing, tenders and contracts management, managing financial guarantees and managing government contracts in a sound and effective manner.
Course Topics:
- First. Types and roles of committees.
Bid Review Committee for Purchasing Works.
Bid Opening Committee.
Pre- and Post-Qualification Committee.
Reverse Auction Committee.
Competition Committee
Violations Review Committee.
Complaints and Grievances Review Committee.
Dispute Resolution Council. - Second. Types of contracts and their formulation:
General construction contract
Continuous service contracts
Supply contract
Information technology contract.
Consulting services contract
Project management contract
Design contract
Manufacturing contract.
Leasing contract for movables.
Sale contract for movables

بكالوريوس محاسبة جامعة الملك سعود ماجستير إدارة مالية كليات الفيصل ، مستشار مالي ، خبير داخلي و خارجي لتقديم الاستشارات
عضو لجنة الدعم الموازي لمبادرات الرؤية ٢٠٣٠ لرئاسة الحرمين الشريفين
عضو اللجنة الفنية لأعتماد مشاريع رؤية ٢٠٣٠ م
رئيس لجنة فتح و فحص العروض لمبادرات رؤية المملكة ٢٠٣٠
رئيس لجنة فحص العروض
عضو لجنة تطوير نظام المنافسات و المشتريات الحكومية
عضو فريق المنظومة المالية لمعاملات هيئة الخبراء